Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Still Fighting

We just wanted to give everyone a quick update on how I've been doing over the last few days since Home Health started coming out to see me. I met Joey, who will be my primary nurse, Monday afternoon. He basically went over the notes from the on-call nurse I met over the weekend (Amanda) to make sure he was up to speed with everything and clarify any questions we may have.

I'm still having the leg swelling and we told him Amanda had told me to double my Lasix over the weekend and wrap my feet and legs to try and push the fluid upward. That seems to have helped relieve some of the swelling/water retention in my feet and lower legs, but now it feels like all that fluid has collected in my thighs and lower abdomen. But the Lasix doesn't seem to be flushing that fluid out. As of right now, Joey is supposed to be coordinating with Amamda to see if they want to increase my dosage of Lasix or leave it where it previously was.

Other than that, no NEW problems have come up. I'm still having trouble regaining any strength/energy and it seems like every day becomes a little more of a struggle. I'm having to rely on other people more to help me - I'm still getting around okay, I just sometimes need that extra assistance. Luckily, we've been blessed with great family that have graciously taken turns doing just that.

Part of the services provided as a new Alacare Home Health patient includes a meeting with a social worker and chaplain, and they are supposed to schedule a visit with me today (Wednesday), and Joey is scheduled to see me again tomorrow (Thursday). I'm hoping tomorrow Joey will have some insight or suggestion or SOMETHING we can do to get the swelling under control, but we will of course keep you updated on anything we find out. Until then, please continue to pray for us and our families (as I know you will) and we will keep you posted. We love you all!

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