Monday, September 12, 2011

Back and Forth....

There seems to be a pretty steady pattern of good days and bad days, going back and forth over the past several weeks. Last week was a considerably good week, without too many bad days. The trip to UAB last Wednesday wasn't even as bad as I had anticipated - it made me tired, but that was about it! SO... after a seemingly good week, I decided to try and spend a few days with some old friends this past weekend, relax and do nothing but enjoy their company. And that's exactly what I did - absolutely nothing but lie around, talk, and enjoy their company! Unfortunately, Saturday afternoon I started experiencing some pain and discomfort that gradually progressed throughout the day. By Saturday evening, the pain had started to radiate around to my back, particularly my upper back. It started out as just a bloated, full type feeling (which is nothing new), but it had progressed to a level that was actually painful and no longer just a "discomfort". I took some additional Oxycodone, but that honestly didn't seem to give me any relief. I checked my temperature and I had a fever of 99.8. By this point, I decided to go to bed and hopefully wake up feeling better.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling about the same. The pain wasn't any worse, but it definitely had not gotten any better. I checked my temperature and this time ran a fever of 100.2 - 30 minutes later, I took it again and it was 100.8. I took some Extra Strength Tylenol and put a wet cloth on my head/neck and when I checked my temp again 30-45 minutes later, it had come down to 99.2. Needless to say, between the fever and the pain, I hadn't really eaten very much in the past 24 hours, nor drank much because it only added to the bloating/discomfort. Sunday night I was able to eat something small and drink a little more, hoping to prevent me from getting weaker and dehydrated. I didn't run a fever for the rest of the evening and went to bed last night feeling slightly better.

When I woke up this morning (Monday, September 12), I felt considerably better compared to the last couple of days. The pain in my upper back had significantly improved. I'm still experiencing some pain from the bloating/discomfort, but I was able to eat a little for breakfast, hoping that will give me some nutrients and strength. Overall, today has been an improvement over the last few days, but I'm still feeling very weak and in a fair amount of pain so I plan on relaxing and hopefully regaining strength and just feeling better overall.

I will keep you updated on how I'm feeling. We know many of you have continued to keep us in your prayers and for that, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We love you all and are so blessed to have you in our lives!!

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to keep you both in my prayers daily!!!
