Friday, August 19, 2011

Just a check-up

We went up to Birmingham last night for an early appointment with my oncologist this morning. It was just a follow up to see how my counts and other aspects for my blood work were. My liver and kidney functions were good and my white blood counts were fine, and everything else was at a good level. When I asked her about the ureteral stent they put in a few months ago, she said it does need to be changed every 3 months or so if it appears to be beneficial to me. I have an appointment next Wednesday with the urologist, and he will be the one to make that call, but since it appears to be helping it will more than likely need to be changed in the upcoming weeks. Other than that, she said there won't really be any need for CT scans, unless I just want one for my own reasons. So unless something comes up between now and then, I will follow up with her in 3 weeks on Wednesday, September 7.

I also met with my pain doctor this afternoon, and there is nothing new to report there either. We decided to increase my Morphine just a little at night because I've been waking up at night having to take more Oxycodone and I've had to increase the Oxy slightly during the day as well. We will try the increase in morphine for a few days and see how that works and go from there. Radiation is definitely still an option, but for now we're going to wait because it does have its' risks and don't want to involve them unless needed.

So unless something comes up, we're really just going to play it by ear and try to control the pain as much as possible. I have my good days and my bad days, which is of course expected, but we are just taking it one day at a time! Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers and we will let everyone know how the weekend goes. We love you all!!

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