Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1st Update and Upcoming Schedule

Carrie met with her doctor this morning and we have made some adjustments to her medicine. The Tylenol in Lortab has decreased her liver function slightly. It is nothing to be concerned about now. The doctor is switching her over to a low dosage of Oxycodone to help get her liver function back up. Carrie asked about the swelling in her feet and legs and it is a side effect of the Mitotane and will probably get worse as Carrie increases the amount of Mitotane that she is taking. (She is currently up to 8 tablets of Mitotane per day - her doctor did do blood work today to check her Mitotane level, but it takes a week to 10 days to get those labs back.) Dr. DeShazo prescribed Lasix to see if she can reduce the amount of fluid causing the swelling. This can cause her to become dehydrated, which the chemo can do anyways, so they were leery to put her on a diuretic before. But the doctor consulted with Carrie's endocrinologist and they both agreed to try the Lasix to reduce the leg swelling. She will take it as needed, just not on days that she has treatment. They will also put her on a potassium supplement, since the Lasix will naturally deplete her potassium. Carrie's counts were good. Her white count was a little low but not enough to keep her from getting treatment today. As a precaution, they gave her a shot of Neulasta after her treatment today to help boost her counts. As for her schedule for the next month, she is off next week and then will be back for treatment on the 15th and 22nd of July. She will be off the week after that and then have treatment again on the 5th of August when she will also have a CT Scan and meet with her oncologist again.

As always, thanks for all your thought and prayers. Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

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