Monday, July 25, 2011

Round 3 of Chemo Completed

I finished my third round of chemotherapy this past friday, July 22. My counts were good enough to receive chemo - they did, however, give me a shot to increase my white blood cells as a preventative. So I will be off from chemo this week (YAY!!!!) and will return to UAB Friday August 5 for a CT scan and an appt with my oncologist. Pending the results from the scan, I'm then scheduled to receive chemo that friday as well. Until then, I will probably be doing as little as possible, considering my energy level is pretty much zero. I am up to 11 tablets (5.5 grams) of Mitotane. They checked my Mitotane levels July 1 and I was at a 5.8, which my doctor said was the highest she's seen this quickly (the level will be checked again on August 5). I've had a lot more fatigue and dizziness the last couple of weeks, most likely attributed to the mitotane and probably the chemo. I haven't fallen, but I have to steady myself alot and it's harder for me to drive, partly because I'm on pain medication and I'm not supposed to drive while taking them. This past weekend was a little rough, concerning abdominal pain, but today seems to be better. But unless something comes up between now and August 5, we'll update everyone then and go from there! Thank you all once again for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us as we wait these last few weeks to see how these drugs are helping (hopefully).

1 comment:

  1. Still praying, Carrie, and we will NOT quit! Hang in there, and know that you are loved and lifted up! You are a blessing!
