Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I met with my regular doctor out here at MD Anderson yesterday (monday) and he told me that the clinical trial they wanted me to participate in is still in the process of being approved for the changes so that's still on hold. Unfortunately, he doesn't know of any other trials currently available for me to try. He has referred me to an endocrinologist and gastrointerologist(sp?), both of which have experience with ACC. I will meet with both doctors tomorrow (wednesday May 11) to see if they have any treatment options for me to try. We're praying they do... if not, we're going to really have to figure out what steps to take next. I will be flying home tomorrow night.

My blood pressure is still staying high, even on the blood pressure medicine. In addition, my legs, particularly my feet and ankles, have been swelling a lot, which is apparently caused by the high blood pressure. They have switched my blood pressure medicine in hopes of lowering it some more and helping with the swelling. I'm still having pain in my abdomen, and it's gotten slightly worse over the last few days. I'm still taking a mild pain medication for it, but it makes me drowsy so I don't take it all the time. The doctors said to monitor my pain level and if it gets worse, let them know and we'll see what else we can do.

We will let you know what we find out from the doctors tomorrow, so you can look for an update wednesday evening, thursday morning at the latest. Please continue to pray something opens up for me to try!

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