Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not so good news

Carrie got a call yesterday (Monday) from UAB saying that she had an appointment today to meet with Dr. Arnoletti (the surgeon that performed her surgery last August). We thought that this consult was to discuss the possibility of removing the two masses that are located on her left adrenal gland or to actually remove the gland. However, we found out that the two masses were actually one, eight centimeter mass and that they found two more masses on her right side where the original mass was located. They do not want to do surgery to remove the mass on the left side because recovery from the surgery would take anywhere from six to twelve weeks. Carrie would not be able to take any treatments while she is recovering and they are afraid that the new masses will start to grow while she is not taking treatment. So for now, UAB is looking for clinical trials that Carrie can participate in. We hope to hear something in the next couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear this news. I don't know you or Carrie, but I was sent a prayer request through groupwise when the cancer was first diagnosed. I've been keeping up with Carrie's condition ever since then through your blog. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if I can ever do anything for you. I work in the College of Agriculture - - 110 Comer Hall.

    God Bless you and your families,
    Denise Smith
