Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Treatment

Carrie heard from her oncologist today and she finally got in touch with the doctor at MD Anderson. After they discussed Carrie's situation, it was concluded that the tumor is indeed growing. They didn't specify whether the necrotic centers were good or bad, but regardless, the tumor is getting larger. They both agreed to try a different chemotherapy regiment called Streptozocin (sp?). Carrie's oncologist at UAB is fighting with our insurance to get this medicine approved - they tried last week and was denied approval, but she's still fighting it. This new treatment is usually given as a 5 days schedule so she'll have it monday-friday on the weeks she has it. We don't know yet how often treatments will be or for how long. We hope to know after it gets approved through our insurance. Carrie's doctor thinks it will start the week of April 26 because she doesnt know if she'll be able to get it approved and scheduled in time for next week. Until then, Carrie has decided to go ahead and take out her disability leave through work. She's put in the request for the disability claim to be started so she will not return to work for the time being. This will give her time to focus on herself and start treatment whenever her doctor has a plan set in stone. We will of course update everyone as soon as we find anything more out.

1 comment:

  1. Jason & Carrie,

    I am so sorry about the news, but I know you both know the Great Physican and He can take care of this in an instant if it is his will to do so. I will be praying that everything will get approved with the insurance and they can started with this new treatment. Just keep your eyes on God and never lose faith. Just remember these questions from Facing the Giants:

    1. When life doesn't go in the direction that you have planned, will you still love Him?

    2. When having a good or bad day, will you still praise Him?

    3. Are you giving him your very best each moment of the day?

    4. Are you buiding a strong wall to stand on or behind?

    5. What is impossible with God?


    We hope that you will have a good week. We love and miss you both very much.

    Tim, Kim and Mallory
