Friday, August 14, 2009

Carrie's Moving

They are going to be moving Carrie to a private room today. We got to see her this morning and they removed the ventilator tube last night and she was talking to us some this morning. When we left ICU they were about to remove her chest tubes and start putting in the orders to get her in a private room. Our next scheduled time to visit with her is at 1pm if they haven't moved her to a private room before then.



  1. Pat Hodnett, Valley, ALAugust 14, 2009 at 12:08 PM

    This is such wonderful news and God has blessed you both with these wonderful results. Many people have been lifting both of you up in prayer and God has answered.
    It sounds as if you are progressing well if you are getting tubes removed and moving to a private room.
    Hope you have a good week-end. Keep smiling!!!

  2. Excellent! Glad things are moving right along! We're still praying for you!
