Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Surgery Date and Surgeons' reports

We went to UAB today and met with Dr. Arnoletti and Dr. Davies. Last week's biopsy showed that the mass is a very rare form of cancer and is called an adreno cortical carcinoma. There is little research to support the use of chemotherapy on this type of tumor and the only real option is surgery. The date for the surgery has been scheduled for Thursday, August 13th. The plan is to make an incision under the right rib cage and see if the tumor has spread to other areas. If it hasn't spread, they will remove the right adrenal gland and probably the right kidney. It doesn't appear to be affecting the liver or other organs. Also they will do a bypass surgery on Carrie to remove the mass from the inferior vena cava. If they have to repair the vena cava they will have to put Carrie in a form of cardiac arrest where there drop the body temperature low enough to stop the heart so that they can repair the vein. She also had EKG done today that showed part of the mass in one of the chambers of the heart. The surgeons feel that the surgery will be a success as long as the cancer hasn't spread. If it has spread, they don't know yet what type of treatment will do. The surgery will last 5-7 hours. (8-10 worst case scenario). 2-3 days in ICU after the surgery and 7-10 days in the hospital after the surgery. We are handling this alright, but please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. From our standpoint we knew the surgery would be big but now it is huge.

This will probably be the last post before the surgery but on the day of I will be updating the blog as the day progresses.



  1. Wow. Still thinking of you both & praying for you! I can't imagine how scarey this must be, but I know everything will be fine! PLEASE let me know if I can do anything... Love you both!!!!

  2. Thinking and praying for you Care Bear. I love you. . . and let me know if I can do anything. I can be there in just a few hours. I hope you are doing well (and not too freaked out).

  3. The word cancer is no longer a death sentence ... most cancers, if caught early, can be successfully treated and provide long term survival rates. She could not be in better hands as far as doctors and the UAB facility. Yes, both of your lives will be changed, but you know God will not give you more than you can deal with, and your faith will be a great source of strength. Just don't be afraid to reach out to family and friends for support, and by all means, when you want to cry, DO IT!

  4. I am Marcia Burt's friend who now lives in Birmingham (we met at their house once). PLEASE let me know if you guys need anything at all while you are in Birmingham! I would love to help you guys out. Please know that we are praying for you both daily. Marcia said that she is going to pass along my number to you guys so please use it if you need anything at all!
    Jenn Gaddis

  5. Jason and Carrie,
    I just want you both to know that we are praying for you every day. We live between Auburn and Birmingham in Millbrook so if you ever need somewhere to stay or just need a break from the road, please let me know. Ashley and I would love to help in any way we can. Jason call me at 334-658-0007 if there is anything we can do for you guys. Stay strong use all the support that I know so many people are willing to give.
    Jeff Wilcox

  6. My thoughts and prayers are with you today....

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong and trust in the great healer our Lord
